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Stereo Embers The Podcast: James Duval (Donnie Darko, Go, SLC Punk)

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“The Rabbit And The Butcher”

An actor of tremendous range and versatility, the Michigan-born and L.A.-raised James Duval has had quite a career. He tore through the ’90s, appearing in movies like The Doom Generation, SLC Punk Independence Day, Nowhere and Go, and by 2000, his resume was packed. He appeared as the rabbit Frank in Donnie Darko in 2001 and since then, he’s added over forty films to his CV, including Kaboom, Blue Dream, Chasing Ghosts and Comic Book Villains. The preservation society around Donnie Darko has kept Frank the Rabbit very much alive in the public consciousness. And speaking of preservation societies, it turns out that James and I have been a part of the same one for many years. We’re both massive Jazz Butcher fans and the Butcher Facebook group, which counted the Butcher himself, Pat Fish, as one of its active participants until his death last year, is a very special thing. it’s a tight group made up people who really care about each other and who understand the magic of the music and how its informed their lives.
The Jazz Butcher is for sure a band that existed below the radar of the mainstream, but to us, they were the biggest band in the world. And still are. In many ways, the Jazz Butcher are like Frank the Rabbit—eternal and unique and unforgettable to those who know about them. So James and I were at the same JBC show in 1997 and we talk about that and so much more. Great chat, great, great guy.

Stereo Embers

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