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Stereo Embers The Podcast: Dan Willson (Withered Hand)

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“How To Love”

The London-born and Scottish based singer/songwriter Dan Willson is truly one of the best we’ve got. Over the course of three albums with his band Withered Hand, Willson has asserted himself as a songwriter of tremendous sensitivity, poetic smarts and lyrical grace. A little history: Willson had played in bands but with art school behind him, when he picked up a guitar at 30 and found that the technicolors of songwriting were as alluring as the visual arts, well, he went on a bit of a tear: 2009’s Good News and 2014’s New Gods rank among two of the most powerful albums of the last twenty years and Willson’s new one—his first in almost a decade—is called How To Love and it completes a rather stunning trilogy of records with clear shots of redemption, recovery and personal resurrection. How To Love almost didn’t happen. And we’ll leave that story for Dan to tell, but in the meantime, let’s just say this: we’re so happy that it did. It’s one of the most joyful, painful, life-affirming and altogether reviving albums in recent memory.

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