BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Stereo Embers The Podcast: Hilarie Sydney (The High Water Marks, Apples In Stereo)

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“Proclaimer Of Things”

The co-founder of the legendary Elephant 6 Collective that spawned Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control and her band The Apples In Stereo, Hilarie Sydney has very quietly been one of the most important figures in modern music. By the way, before we continue, I’m sure you’re like Neutral Milk Hotel? Cool. Olivia Tremor Control? Cool. The Apples In Stereo? Cool. Yes, all cool for sure, and all massively influential bands. But even cooler? Sydney was the only woman in that gang of dudes. Which is even cooler. Along the way, Sydney fell in love with a Norwegian fella who also was a musician and they joined forces as The High Water Marks, putting out two fabulous albums of engaging indie pop. Sydney moved to Norway thanks to a Study Abroad fellowship to
Norway, married that Norwegian fella and put music aside to raise a family, 2020 ended the High Water Marks’ hiatus in the form of the fabulous Ecstasy Rhymes album and now two years later, its follow up Proclaimer of Things is ready to go. A blast of hook-laden numbers that careen and roll mightily away with jangling precision and indie rock smarts, Proclaimer of Things is a stirring collection of spry pop anthems thats both spellbinding and rousing. From her home in Norway, Hilaire talks to Alex about culture, music and Viking Music Festivals….

Stereo Embers: The Podcast

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Stereo Embers The Podcast