BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Ola’s Kool Kitchen #481

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Ola’s Kool Kitchen  Wednesdays 4pm EST 9pm BST on Bombshell Radio

Show 481

Sally Seltmann-Table for One-Early Moon-Three of Hearts / Universal
Laura Veirs-Seaside Haiku-Found Light-Bella Union
Marxist Love Disco Ensemble-Material-MLDE-Mr.Bongo
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete-Invisible-Datura-Sonic Cathedral
Eerie Wanda-Birds Aren’t Real-Internal Radio-Joyful Noise 
Oneida-I Wanna Hold Your Electric Hand -Success-Joyful Noise
Young Guv-Overcome-GUV IV-Run for Cover Records
The Murlocs-Wickr Man-Rapscallion-ATO
Danger Mouse & Black Thought-Mo Gold Teeth-Cheat Codes- Bertelsmann Music Group
Gemma Cullingford-Tongue Tied- Tongue Tied -Elmo Recordings
The Favourite Sons-That Driving Beat-single-Mercury
Shuggie Otis-Strawberry Letter 23-Freedom Flight-Epic
Les Terribles-Chou-chou-Quelque chose comme ça-Born Bad
Dana Gavanski-Letting Go-When It Comes-Flemish Eye Record


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