BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

ArchiveMarch 2019

Gramophone Harry #10

Sundays 11:30am-12pm EST #jazz ,#vintage,#retro,#gramophoneharry, #swing, bombshellradio Something extra from the stable of Harry & Edna. As well as being 50% of the vintage duo Harry & Edna, Harry also performs as a DJ...

Crucial Cuts #140

Crucial Cuts #140

FRIDAYS CRUCIAL CUTS 11AM-1PM EST 8AM-11AM PDT4PM-5PM BSTBombshell Radio​Earl Crown​ Crucial Cutsan award-winning, syndicated radio show that originates from Loyola University Radio in Baltimore. Earl Crown plays selections from his personal record...

Jazzamatazz -Smiling Sixties 6

Bombshell Radio Jazzamatazz Double Header Today 1pm-3pm EST 7pm -9pm BST 10am-12pm PDT Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Smiling Sixties 6Smiling Sixties is a collection of hits & classics from the 1960s. A blend of...
