“It’s Alright Now”
Nora O’Connor is nothing short of a musical force. The Illinois-born singer/songwriter’s new album My Heart completes the hat trick that was started by her 1996 debut Cerulean Blue and continued by 2004’s ‘Til The Dawn. So you’re probably wondering about the gaps in between—8 years, 18 years—it’s a fair questions, so we’re going to give you a fair answer. Nora O’Connor is busy. Like, really busy. An in-demand singer who has toured and recorded with Neko Case, the Decembrists, Iron and Wine, Mavis Staples and the New Pornographers, O’Connor’s voice
is one that everyone wants. So she’ll head out on the road with the Decembrists or Mavis Staples and when fully immersed in that work, it’s not so easy to concentrate on her own work. COVID hit the pause button on touring so at home with her family and an acoustic guitar, the demos started to come. And how’d they work out? Well, put it this way–My Heart is a stone cold killer—a truly riveting collection of affecting folk, rolling Americana and devastating piano pop. Our personal favorite is the aching album closer Fare Thee Well—gentle and woebegone
country stomp at its very best. A marvelous chat with a lovely person!
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