BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Stereo Embers The Podcast: Jordan Coyne (Between Kings)

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Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST Stereo Embers Magazine

#StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic #Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #BetweenKings

“West Coast Antidote”

A long way away from their native Brisbane, the young Australian outfit Between Kings are now officially based out of Los Angeles. Although COVID -19 has gotten in the way of everything from the release of their new album Young Love to playing live gigs, they are firmly committed to basing out of the West Coast. Now, Young Love was supposed to hit the streets, but the global pandemic made the band decide to put out an EP called Antidote which is comprised of half of the tracks that will be found on the record and the second half of the album will come in the form of another EP.  This wasn’t Plan A. but the band decided that it was the best way to stay connected to their fans. In this conversation, guitarist Jordan Coyne talks to Alex about Australia, pull-ups and how mindfulness is connected to mental health. He also recalls a moving conversation he had with his father about his music, life in Los Angeles and how sometimes he’s so creatively driven, he forgets to sleep. Comprised of pals that met in music school–singer Nic Machuca, Coyne [on guitar], bassist Jayden Marsh and drummer Nick Fanning, Between Kings 2018 debut The Escape, was a thrilling blast of stadium sized choruses, thoughtful arrangements and big crunchy riffs that brought to mind everyone from the Red Hot Chlli Peppers to Linkin Park. Their new work picks up on the promise of their debut—it’s melodic, it’s muscular and it’s utterly infectious. With 1.5 million streams on Spotify, the band is catching on—and  rightfully so. These guys have got the goods and talking to Jordan was a blast. You’ll dig this guy!

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