Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #TheHeartGoesBoom, #Dj, #AlexGreen , #Alternative , #PostPunk, #Rock, #IndieRock,#Radioshow, #Indie, #CollegeRock,#cobblersdaughter, #BombshellRadioThe Heart Goes Boom THURSDAYS THE HEART GOES BOOM New show THGB 00! with host Alex GreenThe Heart Goes Boom on Bombshell Radio
Thursdays 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT
Miracle Legion—The Backyard
Palma Violets—Come Over To My Place
Galveston—Messed Around
Kasabian—Bless This Acid House
The Wedding Present—Flying Saucer
Cheap Trick—Surrender
Public Access TV—On The Beach
Ruston Kelly—Son Of A Highway Daughter
Harlem Shakes—Nautral Man
Daunt Shades–Rider