Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio Sundays Harry & Edna on the Wireless 11am- 12pm EST’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio Sundays Harry & Edna on the Wireless 11am- 12pm EST
Repeats Monday’s 1am-2am EST
This week we are joined by Sophie Bainbridge from Stanley Biggs Clothing, the place favoured by by vintage Adventurers, Aviators, Racing Drivers & Cyclists.
Don’t Stop the Dance ~ The Brian Ferry Orchestra |
Makin Whoopee! ~ Eddie Walters |
Nagasaki ~ Cab Calloway |
When I Met Connie in the Cornfield ~ Arcadians Dance Orchestra |
There’s One Little Girl Who Loves Me ~ Jack Hylton Orchestra |
The Blue Room ~ The Savoy Orpheans |
The Boogie Woogie Man ~ Casa Loma Orchestra |
The Final Countdown ~ Connor Engstorm |
At the swing cats ball ~ Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five |
Les Paul Trio ~ Fine and dandy |
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