BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Emergency Anthems #14

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TODAY 12pm-1pm EST

Repeats Tuesday 5pm-6pm EST

Emergency Anthems Show 14

Cover art by Adam Adrian

Happy New Year FIENDS! We are back and looking forward to new challenges, the unexpected & anything else that is thrown our way.

We hope you enjoy our first Emergency Anthems show of 2020 and cannot wait to get digging in the crates for new music and sharing old faves.

Big love to our friends at Bombshell Radio who keep the embers burning at Emergency Anthems.

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Jasper Music PR & Radio Plugging

We work your release so you don’t have to.

At Jasper Music PR & Radio Plugging we don’t just do the job, we do it well. We want to distinguish you from the competition, and help you stand out like the star you truly are. We help get the word out by customizing each campaign to suit the unique needs of each client.

Need more info?

Want to find out what promotion package fits best with your needs?

Track Listing:

  1. Fly Boy by Air Circus
  2. Swervin by Harlem
  3. Kingdom Fall by Funeral Lakes
  4. Beside You by Iggy Pop
  5. Shadows by Veiila
  6. See What I See by Future West
  7. Cool Mind Blue by Great Gable
  8. Quit While I’m Ahead by City Mouth
  9. Catatonia by The Darling Fire
  10. Halloween by Captain Handsome
  11. Love Song for an Island by mylittlebrother (Xqui – Back Home Mix)
  12. Old Mack by String Machine
  13. 10% by Gracie Martin & The So Beautifuls
  14. Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  15. Soulshaking by The Flaming Sideburns
  16. Fade Away by The Rickaneers
  17. Cut Thru Me by River Gods

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Emergency Anthems
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