BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Stereo Embers The Podcast : Bob Perry (Winter Hours)

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Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST
Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #WinterHours

“I Throw More Things In The Garbage Than I Should”

That’s what Bob Perry says about the songwriting process when it comes to lyrics, but the singer/songwriter
is being far too hard on himself. The former Winter Hours guitarist has quietly become one of the most
wise and knowing songwriters around. In this conversation the New Jersey-born Perry talks to Alex
about Winter Hours’ ill-fated deal with Chrysalis, how he met his wife Stephanie Seymour (There Are Birds, The
Aquanettas) and what his parents thought about him leaving college for a career in music. Perry also chats
about his love of Jeff Beck, why the business is so hard to make a living in, his own creative process and what he learned
from the magic of the words of Winter Hours singer Joseph Marques.

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