Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio
Thursdays 2pm-3pm EST
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Stereo Embers Magazine
Alex Green #Interview w/ Maira Kalman
#StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, # #Nowplaying , #BombshellRadio, #MairaKalman
“Maira Kalman’s Dog Ate Her Camera”
And she thought it was hilarious. In this interview, which was recorded in front of a live audience at the MontclairPresbyterian Church in Oakland, author and artist Maira Kalman talks to Alex about why she would have been furious if her kidsbroke her camera, but found it comical that the culprit was her dog. A candid chat about the legacy of family insanity, howrooms are related to memory and what to do with all the stuff that we have in our lives, this is Stereo Embers’ first everlive show and we’re proud that the inaugural installment is with the fabulous Maira Kalman. A funny, moving and engaging conversation, Maira also talks about her mother’s underwear, working with Daniel Handler, the forgiveness of animals and how she was obsessed with drawing dogs from the very beginning of her artistic life but didn’t know it until her agent pointed it out…