Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio
Today 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST
Repeats Friday 1am-2am EST
And Sundays 11am-12pm EST
Stereo Embers Magazine
Alex Green #Interview w/ FIVE for FIGHTING
#StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #Alternative, #NewMusic, #Nowplaying , #BombshellRadio, #FIVEforFIGHTING
“John Ondrasik And A Melancholy Life With A Lot Of Moments Of Joy”
As we all know, happiness is not a permanent state—it’s a place you get to visit,
but you can’t live there. And singer/songwriter John Ondrasik is just fine with that. In this
interview, the Five For Fighting frontman talks to Alex about how to strike a balance between
the creative life and the normal life offstage and he recognizes that somewhere in the
middle of artistic innovation and the quotidian routine of daily existence is where
true moments of joy can be found. Ondrasik chats about his new record Five For Fighting
With Strings, the relief of not having to engage in the rigors of endless album promotion
and saying goodbye to his son after dropping him off at college. Ondrasik also talks
about Billy Joel, the responsibility he feels towards his audience and whether or not
everything gets turned into a song.