BOMBSHELL Radio PodcastsLove Your Indie

Stereo Embers 007 w/ Maximo Park

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Stereo Embers: The Podcast
Episode 007: Maximo Park

Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio
Bombshell Radio Today 5pm-6pm EST 2pm-3pm PDT 10pm-11pm BST
Alex Green #Interview w/ Maximo Park

Paul Smith Says He’s A Boring Guy

Maximo Park’s frontman Paul Smith says that offstage, he’s just a normal, boring guy. He’s not, of course,
but in conversation the circumspect and probing singer is far different than the electrifying persona he
presents onstage. Smith talks to Alex about the differences between the image that’s projected to the public
and the real person living an everyday, civilian life. Smith talks about Maximo Park’s new record Risk To Exist,
what albums he’s been listening to lately and why an artist must wear a mask in order to preserve what’s really underneath…

#MaximoPark #StereoEmbers #podcast #RadioShow #AlexGreen #Alternative #NewMusic #Nowplaying #BombshellRadio

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