Bombshell Radio Rusty Egan
Bombshell Radio 1pm-3pm EST 6pm-8pm BST
10am-12pm PDT
Electronic Family Tree has it’s first guest interview the founder of The ELECTRI_CITY_Conference held in Dusseldorf Rudi Esch.
Be prepared for some great info from Rudi Esch and tracks from Dusseldorf plus Mark Reeder Zeus B. Held KRAFTWERK Stabil Elite Katja von Kassel Das blaue Palais Rheingold then BlancmangeTiny Magnetic Pets SPREADING POINT Antipole KALEIDA Rare Facture Shelter Official Knight$ AtomTM / Jacek Sienkiewicz Die Krupps.
We join Forces with Artefaktor Radio!
#Synthwave #Electropop #Alternative #Chill #electro #electronica #MobileApp #TheElectronicFamilyTree #RustyEgan #BombshellRadio