We are very pleased to announce a welcome addition and addiction to our Bombshell Radio lineup the nerve cast. We have a history with host Johnny summers, who not only encouraged me to get back into broadcasting but also added Addictions and Other Vices to their roster on Reputation Radio in the UK. My experience there inspired and motivated me to create my own radio feed. Now I’m more than happy to announce Johnny and the Nervecast will be added to regular our programming. This is the first of what I hope will be many , enjoy!
Promoting the Independent sounds as The NerveCast Show Baldly Goes into the void of Johnny Summers brain to seek great music and thank the maker we find loads ALL this and chatting to Aimee & ”D” from London Based band RedWire about their upcoming Festival REDROCK at The Dublin Castle Camden London on the 2nd Oct….
It’s the fast paced music ridden fun packed bonanza we call Internet Radio .. Listen in and bring a friend …Oh and don’t forget to check out the Full On Goodness at http://www.zykotika.com