Since Bombshell Radio’s inception a few months ago we’ve grown quite a bit. Thanks to the quality of the shows, presenters, dedicated listeners and incredible artist and label submissions.
On Tonight’s Show we feature our weekly top 10, a few favourites, some new tracks from the Addictions Inbox and a few songs that I think best reflect this week.
As we transition to her new website bombshell radio I asked that you please join our Facebook page where I tend to post more updates for all of the shows.
I will continue to archive the Addictions Podcasts at All requests ,submissions, videos ,programming and Top 10 charts can all be found at bombshell
I’m extremely proud of the music community that has emerged and surpassed my expectations. And it’s only January.
A special shout out this week to Blue Soap Music PR and Radio Plugging, Integrity Records, Shameless Promotion PR, Steve, Unsigned Project and Jazzamatazz this is Addictions and Other Vices Podcast 228 – Colour Me Friday.
I hope you enjoy